Category Archives: Brush

MFDJ 04/05/2021: A Devastating Landslide

Today’s Moving  Yet Truly Morbid Fact!

Lillian Clarke, 15, worked late at the hotel in Frank, Alberta, Canada on April 28, so her employer offered her a room for the night. It was the first time the young girl remained away from home overnight. Lillian’s mother, Amelia, had never trusted the hotel’s previous owners and would never let her eldest child stay overnight, no matter how late she worked. But the hotel had new owners, people Amelia trusted, and so Lillian settled in for the night. Amelia Clark could not have known that her trust in Lillian’s new employers would save the girl’s life.

On April 29, 1903, at 4:10 am, in 90 seconds, 82 million tons of limestone sheered off the east face of Turtle Mountain and roared down into Crowsnest Pass. The avalanche took with it a coalmine entrance, two kilometers of railway, two ranches and part of Frank, NWT (now Alberta). Of the town’s approximately 600 inhabitants, nearly 100 were in the path of the avalanche, which took an estimated 70 lives, though the exact toll will never be known. There may have been people in the area unknown to those who tallied the dead. There were 23 survivors, mostly children.


The Blackfoot and Kutenai people knew Turtle Mountain as “the mountain that moves.” Their stories say they wouldn’t camp near it. It was named Turtle Mountain by rancher Louis Garnett, who saw in the mountain a turtle’s face, with the shell rising up behind.

The 2000 meter high mountain was thrust up from the Rocky Mountains 70 to 80 million years ago, overriding structurally weaker deposits of limestone and coal. Additional movement cracked the inverted “V” of the mountain peak, creating a conduit for water, opening fissures and gaps where water could settle and then, upon freezing, expand to create internal pressure. Mining further compromised the unstable mountain.

There was more snow than usual during the winter of 1902-03. April was unusually warm, with snowmelt and rain running into the mountain fissures before the weather turned cold again. On April 28th, the water in the mountain froze and the mountain that moves literally reached its breaking point.

In the aftermath of the slide, stories of survival were miraculous, and have generated at least one urban myth. Anyone who has heard of the Frank Slide has heard of the baby girl, the only survivor, found on the boulder. That story is untrue, but it is loosely grounded in fact. Three little girls survived the slide. Fernie Watkins was found in the debris. Fifteen-month old Marion Leitch was thrown from her house and found in a pile of hay, the one most likely to be the “boulder baby.” Gladys Ennis, 27 months old, was found in the mud by her mother Lucy, who saved her baby’s life by clearing the mud out of her nose and throat. Gladys was the last survivor of the slide when she died in 1995 in Bellevue, Washington.

Lillian Clark was not the only person to escape the disaster by being away from home, but hers may be the most tragic story. Lillian’s mother and six siblings died in the slide. Her father, Alfred, was working in the mine that night but stopped for lunch around 4:00. He and another miner were outside the mine when the deadly avalanche struck. The rest of their crew, though trapped in the mine, was able to dig out safely.

Twelve bodies were pulled from the rubble in the days following the slide. The mine was re-opened within weeks and the buried section of railway was rebuilt. The town was moved and life was restored. A road was built through the slide in 1906 and during road improvements in 1922 a construction crew found the skeletal remains of seven people in the rubble. They were believed to be the Clark family, Lillian’s mother and brothers and sisters.

Today, the towns of Frank and Hillcrest lie in the shadow of the mountain that continues to move. The sheered mountain and a vast field of rubble are reminders of Canada’s biggest rockslide.

The slide scar circa 2007

Culled from: The Canada Encylopedia


A Brush With Morbidity

Marco McClean sent me this tidbit that he found on Quora.

Q: What is the creepiest sound you’ve ever heard?

Answer by Jay Johnson:

One day in 1998 I woke in the morning. My wife was not in bed. There was a light on in the adjoining master bath, with an ominous kind of aura emanating from it.

I got up and warily went to investigate.

She had gotten up in the early morning, taken a dining room chair, moved it to the bathroom, and sat there — for how long, I don’t know.

When I found her she was lying on the floor, stretched out in front of that chair. She was on her stomach, with one side of her face turned upward and the other side on the floor.

I turned her over.

The side that was on the floor emerged and I could see her skin on that side was discolored — blue, green, a sickly yellow. But then her blood moved to that side of her face, and things looked normal. She wasn’t breathing; she was still warm.

I ran to the phone and called 911. On my way running back to the bathroom I threw the front doors wide open. (The hell with the indoor-only cat.)

The 911 dispatcher stayed with me and was instructing me on CPR. I did the chest pumps, and then I blew a breath of air into her through he mouth. She exhaled.

The sound of that exhalation was the creepiest sound I ever heard — it was the sound of death.

I sat back and knew she had died.

Then the EMTs were there. They were stationed only about 1/2 mile from that house, which is one of the reasons I bought it.

Her aorta had burst.

She left me with two kids, a girl 14 and a boy 10. My kids have never fully recovered from that.

Nor have I.

Morbid Fact Du Jour for March 4, 2018

Today’s Mournful Yet Truly Morbid Fact!

Roman law forbade burial in urbe (within the city). To preserve the sanctity of the living, cemeteries were located on roads leading out of town, such as the Appian Way. These laws derived from a need to keep the dead at a distance. The Romans feared their dead. In fact, Roman funeral customs derived from a need to propitiate the sensibilities of the departed. The very word funus may be translated as dead body, funeral ceremony, or murder. There was genuine concern that, if not treated appropriately, the spirits of the dead, or manes, would return to wreak revenge.

Technically, all that was necessary to make burial legal under Roman law was to scatter a handful of earth over the body. However, funerals were as significant to the Romans as they would later be to the Victorians. A lavish funeral, conducted by professional undertakers, was considered essential. Burial clubs enabled individuals to save for their last rites; even slaves could join. Funerals normally took place three days after death. The corpse was washed and anointed with oils, as it was believed that the body was polluted by death and would not rest easy without ceremonial cleansing. It was then wrapped in a special toga and placed on a bier. This was carried from the house as a chorus of paid mourners wailed, in contrast to the studied calm of the household. The funeral procession observed strict hierarchy, with the heir at the forefront, dressed in a black toga, the folds of which he held before his face, his hair deliberately disheveled to signify bereavement. The wearing of black was significant, as black garments were thought to confer invisibility upon the bereaved, protecting them from vengeful spirits.

Following directly behind the bier were the servants who would, in earlier times, have been slaughtered at the graveside, along with a warrior’s horse. Musicians and torchbearers came next, with the rear taken up by the mimes – sinister, silent figures in wax masks modeled on dead members of the family. The cortége would stop at the Forum, where a funeral oration was given, before the procession made its way out of the city walls to the cemetery where, after burial, a funeral feast took place at the graveside, with libations poured to appease the spirit of the dear departed.

Roman Funeral Procession, first century BC

Culled from: Necropolis: London and Its Dead

Damn. Funerals were better before!


“My Brush With Morbidity”

“My Brush With Morbidity” is a feature in which I share tales of the morbid sent to me by Asylum Eclectica patrons.  If you have a tale to share, send it my way!  (Archives can be found here.)

“My Brush(es) With Morbidity” by Hannah

So my parents are foster parents. Ever since I was born (and even before), they fostered children through both the state and private charity organizations. We have a license to take medical kids, too – children who use G-tubes to feed, or have tracheotomies, or are confined to wheelchairs, etc. There are a couple of devastating abuse cases we’ve seen because of our medical license, but there’s probably too many of those to write here. So I’ll just focus on the stories of my brothers.

So, I have three adopted brothers. Two of them are no longer alive. The first one we adopted when I was about 8 or so, and he was probably the first real miracle I’ve ever experienced. He was born without a brain (hydranencephaly) – possessing only the brain stem and a tiny rim sliver. We knew he would most likely die before his first birthday when we adopted him. His parents weren’t equipped to deal with the medical expenses/issues brought on by a child who would never learn to walk. In fact, the doctors said he would be a vegetable throughout his life – he would not be able to feed himself, or control his movements, or make sounds. He learned how to coo and smile.

He died in his sleep when he was around two (one-and-a-half?) years old. I still remember it to this day – my mom came into my room in the dark of night, and woke me up from my sleep. I could make out the form of my brother in her arms, even through the dim lamplight. She told me that he had passed away, peacefully, in his slumber. When I asked her what that meant, she explained to me that he was dead.

She let me hold him and cradle him, and look at his face – he did look peaceful, like she’d said. We could never really know what his last moments were like, but surely, they had been painless.

My second adoptive brother came to us when I was about 11 or 12 years old. He, too, was born with hydranencephaly, and his parents didn’t know very much English at all. They were hardly able to care for him in a country whose language they could barely speak. This time, I understood better what difficulties his life might involve, and the fighting potential that he might possess.

He was a fighter. He had a little less brain than my first adoptive brother – literally, only the brain stem. It was pretty fantastic that he was even alive. He was so cute! He never learned to smile or make noises, and we had to feed him through a G-tube – and, through it all, he was a total sweetheart. In his last days, he stopped eating and drinking. We couldn’t give him anything – his body would just reject the substances. We knew his death was coming – it wouldn’t be sudden, like my first brother’s had been. We prepared for his passing. He was prescribed morphine. Thing was, though, he refused to give in easily. He went seven whole days without liquid, which is pretty much physically impossible lol. Healthy human beings are thought to be able to live only 3-5 days without drinking. I remember the call I got – I was at school, then, and the teacher gave me a phone and told me to go out in the hall. My mom was on the other end, and she told me that my brother was dying. I asked her if she was sure, since he’d been holding out so long. She said yes; he was gasping, his breaths were shallow, and his skin was losing color. So I was rushed back home in the middle of a school day, and entered the bedroom to see my mom, dad, grandparents, and younger brother/sister all surrounding my baby brother. I can’t remember if I made it in time to see him take his last breath, but I got to hold his tiny body in my arms – just like I had my other brother, a few years before. He was pretty much skin and bones, considering that he’d gone even longer without food than he had water. He was all sunken in, kind of like a little ghost. He only half resembled his healthy self; the way he’d looked before he stopped feeding.

My two brothers are buried next to each other in the same graveyard, alongside my stillborn younger sister. I used to play soccer, too, and one of the moms of my teammates underwent a difficult pregnancy throughout which she grew close to my mother. Her son was to be born with serious defects, according to the ultrasounds – and, knowing what my mom had been through, went to her for advice and support. Her son died not long after his birth, and he, too, is buried next to my younger siblings. There is also a foster child buried there (one of the cases of the private agency we’re a part of) who died shortly after birth. His parents, after delivering him, moved out of the country – never to return. He has no family members here to remember him, so we were entrusted with the job. We keep watch and care for all five of their graves, even to this day.

Since then, I’ve decided to go into medicine (you can see why, lol), and I’ve had a lot of cool brushes with morbidity because of it! I was able to go to a camp this summer for prospective premeds, where I attended 4 live surgeries, 2 demonstrations, and sutured a cold slab of human flesh (yup, it stunk like formaldehyde and felt like blubber). If you’ve ever seen the really serious surgeries being performed onscreen in TV dramas or movies – well, lemme tell ya, that’s bullshit, lol. The surgeons I hung out with were hilarious and very practical. They were playing Rihanna (and a bunch of 90s alt-rock hits, wtf?) in the background. When one of the patients began snoring very, VERY loudly (sleep apnea), they kept making fun of his ridiculous noise level. They’d hold up the guy’s arm to us, or something, and explain the situation very calmly. They’d pick at his tendon with the scalpel (it looked like a candycane!), point out the yellow layers of fat, and show us what was what. At one point, the blood collected in the guy’s arm cavity went spurting everywhere, all over the floor and on our clothes! They had it all under control, of course, but they were all like “oh shit, sorry” and the nurses mopped up all the blood.

Morbid Fact Du Jour for January 27, 2015

Today’s Hastily Summoned Yet Truly Morbid Fact!

One afternoon at the San Francisco Zoo in 1968, drunken 59-year-old Amos Watson climbed the low fence that surrounded the lion grotto and tumbled to the bottom of the dry moat. Fully caught up in his perceived role as the mighty bwana, he issued his challenge to Tommy, a 5-year-old African lion: “Come here, come here!”

Before a crowd of stunned onlookers, Tommy came. Watson, preparing to do battle as he knew best, waved his wine bottle several times and assumed the classic boxing stance. Tommy, somewhat puzzled, merely sniffed around. Watson seized the opportunity and took several ineffective swings. Then, with a ferocious roar, Tommy retaliated and quickly demonstrated that the sweet science, even when backed up by a wine bottle, is no match for keen claws and sharp fangs.

Unfortunately, triumph would not be Tommy’s on this day. A hastily summoned keeper managed to drop Tommy with a single bullet between the eyes even as he had Watson by the neck. Watson would survive, but with an unforgettable lesson about the perils of mixing alcohol with animals. His souvenirs included two broken legs, numerous slash and puncture wounds, and a deep gash to the chest.

Culled from: Murder Can Be Fun #16 by John Marr

Poor Tommy.  🙁


My Brush With Morbidity

“My Near-Drowning Experience” by Brooke

“This incident occurred in St. Augustine, Florida, during late August of 2014.

“I had a waveboard with me and had been riding the waves that were breaking closer to shore, but my legs were getting a little tired from constantly walking back to the point where the waves broke, so I decided I was going to go out just beyond that point and just float on the waveboard for a little while to give my muscles a rest. My mom went back to shore as I walked farther out to that point, where I floated peacefully by myself for a while, letting my mind drift, until I noticed that I was quite far away from any of the other swimmers and had floated out farther than I intended to, so I decided it was time to head back to shore.

“I kicked my legs downwards, intending to tread water, only to find that my feet could no longer touch the bottom at all. I was a little worried by this, but I thought I would just swim to shore so I wasn’t too worried. I started trying to swim back, but I wasn’t making any progress, so I decided to use the board to try to ride the waves back closer to shore. This worked a little, in that each wave pulled me a bit closer to shore, but then the tide would pull me back twice as far.

“By now I was quite worried. I got off of my board and swam with all my might diagonally like they tell you to do to break out of a riptide, but I was making no progress whatsoever. My board was still attached to me by the wrist strap, and I was beginning to think the reason why I wasn’t moving forward was that the board was catching the tide and pulling me back, so I unfastened the wrist strap and let the board drift away. I realized how stupid this was within moments, as it turned out the board had been the main thing keeping me afloat – with it, I hadn’t had to worry about keeping my head above water at all, but now I was not only trying to swim to shore, I was also having to concentrate on keeping myself afloat as well. I think I had also overestimated my swimming skills, because while the last time I had been in the ocean, I considered myself a very good swimmer, that had been several years ago.

“At this point, I was expending all my energy just keeping myself in place. I would take short breaks to float on my back in order to rest, but when I did this, I would find myself being pulled back out into the ocean, so I realized quickly this was not feasible. By now, I was trying extremely hard not to panic, because I knew panicking could only make things worse, but I couldn’t hold it back because at this point I was almost positive I was going to die. It was so surreal, because I was looking at all the swimmers close to the shore and my family on the beach, and I just kept thinking how I was going to die with all these people completely unaware, how I couldn’t swim much longer and how I was going to be pulled out into the ocean, how my body would probably never be found and how my family would spend the rest of their lives feeling guilty because of my stupid mistake.

“There was a group of people almost directly in front of me in the water, but very close to shore, and I started to scream for help. I screamed ‘HELP’ four or five times but nobody was turning in my direction at all, so I knew they couldn’t hear me – in fact, I didn’t see how anyone could possibly hear me over the waves, as they were the only thing I could hear. Half in desperation, half as a last attempt at drawing someone’s attention, I started to scream – no words, just screaming as loud as I could. I screamed several times and finally the group of people in front of me turned their heads toward me, and at first they were just looking – I realized they were trying to figure out if I was actually drowning or not, so I screamed again, and then they turned to shore and were waving their arms for help. I was thinking about how there probably weren’t any lifeguards around because I had never seen any on our previous trips in the days before, and how no one could possibly get to me before I went under – my muscles were very tired, and I was having serious trouble staying afloat.

“Then I saw one of the women start to swim out towards me, and I was somewhat relieved, though not entirely, because I was thinking that if she didn’t know what she was doing, or if the tide caught her too, we would both just drown – but she was my only chance. She swam closer to me, and when she was about five to six feet away she shouted for me to turn my back to her and float on my back. I didn’t stop to think about it at all, just did as I was told; I knew by the way she commanded me and her instructions that she knew what she was doing. I felt her grab onto my hair which was floating in the water, then the around the back of my neck, and when she was close enough, she held onto my upper arms and started to swim us backwards to safety. I was completely overwhelmed with relief, once I could tell we were getting back to shore and not staying still or being swept further out. I remember I kept babbling things like ‘thank you, thank you’ and ‘I’m sorry’ to her; she kept telling me not to apologize, but I felt I needed to, for potentially putting her into danger with my idiotic mistakes.

“At some point before we got to shore, she handed me off to a lifeguard, but I don’t remember this happening at all. Then our feet were touching the ocean floor again, and the lifeguard told me to grab onto the flotation device he had – I think mainly to keep me from just falling down in the water, as I was shaking very badly and I thought my knees were going to give out from the effort I’d expended and just being overwhelmed.  In addition to ‘thank you’ and ‘I’m sorry’, I told him I just wanted to sit down and he assured me I would be able to very soon.

“He walked me to shore, then to his patrol truck where my family was standing – they knew what was going on at this point. My mom gave my shoulder a squeeze, I could tell she was very frightened but definitely not as much as I still was. The lifeguard sat me on the bed of the truck and just let me calm down for a few moments, encouraged deep breathing, etc. Then he asked me what had happened, if I had swallowed any water or felt like I needed to go to the hospital, got my info, and took my vitals. By the time he took my pulse it was almost back to normal – apparently he had taken it when we were walking out of the ocean and it was extremely high, but again, I have no memory of this at all. I didn’t remember swallowing any water, but my mouth felt like it had been scrubbed with salt all the same – I think possibly some water may have splashed into my mouth while I was screaming. The lifeguard was very nice, and I owe my life to him and especially the woman who swam out after me; I have no doubt about that. He told my family to watch for any changes in my behavior or condition, just in case, then he left.

“Before he left he told us, for future reference, to always go into the ocean with some kind of board or other flotation device and never to let go of it, especially in an emergency, because it can easily be the difference between life and death. He also said there was a very strong undertow that day and the days before, and that it and the very strong waves were due to the storm they had received a few days prior, a consequence of Hurricane Cristobal. (Apparently, two people drowned on the East Coast, where my incident occured, as a result of riptides caused by this hurricane.) He told us the week before the ocean had been flat as glass (so I guess I picked a prime week to nearly drown).

“Before this incident, I shared the widespread belief that drowning would be a relatively peaceful death – but now I can tell you it’s not. I really can’t stress enough the sheer terror and overwhelming feeling of helplessness and despair I experienced. I will always be in debt to the people who helped rescue me. My thoughts are with, and will always be with, the two who shared my experience that week, but didn’t make it back to shore. Rest in peace, Sarmad Rizvi and Jose Maudiel Hernandez.

“As for my waveboard – one of the other women in the group that helped rescue me retrieved it and gave it back to me. It had made it nearly back to shore without me, ironically enough.”

Thanks for sharing this frightening story, Brooke!  As someone who is a weak swimmer and who spent her childhood blowing up a couple of “falling into water” incidences into “near-drownings” of my own, I can completely relate to the fear.

Past brushes can be found at the Asylum Eclectica My Brush With Morbidity page.

Do you have a morbid experience you’d like to share?  Please write the Comtesse!


International Holocaust Remembrance Day

As you may have heard, today is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  Today marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.  Although I haven’t managed to make a trip to Auschwitz yet, I was able to visit two concentration camps in Germany over the summer: Sachsenhausen and Bergen-Belsen.  I’m currently working on a full travelogue of my visit to Sachsenhausen but I thought that for today, I’d share a few photos I took with my phone camera at that harrowing location.


This is the front gate of Sachsenhausen prison camp.  This was a Nazi camp – mainly for political prisoners but also homosexuals, jews and gypsies – that existed from 1936 to 1945. About 30,000 people walked through these gates and never walked back out again.

The infamous false promise emblazoned upon the front gate: “Work makes you free”.

Inside the walls of Sachsenhausen concentration camp. The gravel represents the off-limit area. Walking into that area meant the prisoner could be shot. Electric fence lined the walls. Sometimes prisoners would deliberately throw themselves onto the fence in despair to end their suffering.  (I know I would.)

This track was used to test boots at Sachsenhausen. Prisoners were forced to wear a variety of boots and walk between 16-25 miles a day over a variety of surfaces to test boots that soldiers would wear. Some developed severe foot problems. Since I had three awful blisters on my feet and every step caused a great deal of pain, I felt like I could relate in a small way.

In the barrack at Sachsenhausen. “This is where in the morning prisoners would wash themselves. At times up to 400 prisoners would be squeezed into a barracks like this and they only had 30 minutes for rations and bathing. Consequently, 8 to 10 men would be standing at a time at these basins with only cold water running. SS men were known to have drowned prisoners in the basins for washing feet on the right.”

Sachsenhausen toilets. Prisoners were only allowed to use the toilets twice a day and in the rush, older, sick, and weakened prisoners would be trampled and lay on the floor covered in excrement. Prisoners who were unable to work had to stand, without moving a muscle, all day long in this unaired space. SS guards were known to have drowned prisoners in the toilets.

The clothing of a homosexual prisoner. Notice the pink triangle. I think I would have qualified for imprisonment on many criteria: socialist, anti-fascist, gay, history of mental illness, and just being different.

Firing range at Sachsenhausen.  This is the view that the victims would have (if they weren’t blindfolded). The guns would point out of those holes in the door.

The autopsy table at Sachsenhausen. Of course, the only time autopsies were performed was to verify medical experiments or if there was something about the corpse that interested the research doctors.

The morgue.

Hereditary Health Court records. The Nazis had a court where they would debate whether individuals with supposed hereditary disorders should be allowed to procreate. If they decided no you would be taken to a public hospital and sterilized.

Faces of some of the victims of Sachsenhausen.  Never forget.

Morbid Fact Du Jour for January 7, 2015

Today’s Imprecise Yet Truly Morbid Fact!

There is no precise core temperature at which the human body perishes from cold. At Dachau’s cold-water immersion baths, Nazi doctors calculated death to arrive at around 77 degrees Fahrenheit. The lowest recorded core temperature in a surviving adult is 60.8 degrees. For a child it’s lower. In 1994, a two-year-old girl in Saskatchewan wandered out of her house into a -40 night. She was found near her doorstep the next morning, limbs frozen solid, her core temperature 57 degrees. She lived.

Others are less fortunate, even in much milder conditions. One of Europe’s worst weather disasters occurred during a 1964 competitive walk on a windy, rainy English moor; three of the racers died from hypothermia, though temperatures never fell below freezing and ranged as high as 45.

Culled from: Last Breath: Cautionary Tales from the Limits of Human Endurance

A little research shows that the little girl who froze, only had part of one leg amputated.  To me, the fact that they were able to save the rest of her limbs is the truly amazing part!


Morbid Trinket Du Jour!

I picked up a new book at my favorite Chicago antique store (Woolly Mammoth) the other day.  It’s a 1910 book entitled Dermochromes – III by Professor Jacobi.  It contains some lovely color images of wax models of skin diseases.  I thought I’d share occasionally.

Here’s the first image:  Xanthoma.

“Xanthoma is a benign new growth of the skin generally dependent upon some congenital condition and characterized by its peculiar sulphur, or reddish-yellow, colour.  It occurs either isolated (Xanthoma circumscriptum), especially on the eyelids or as a more extensive eruption (Xanthoma disseminatum planum vel tuberosum).  In the former there are present on the eyelids flat-topped, more or less raised, painless spots or deposits “let into” the skin, of a marked yellow colour; these cause no symptoms and are strictly localized in the situation mentioned or in its immediate vicinity.

“The Diagnosis is easily made from the yellow colour and the localization of the lesions.

“The Prognosis is favourable.

“Treatment can only be surgical, but electrolysis may be tried.”


“My Brush With Morbidity” by Jackie

“When I was a baby, around 1, my favorite thing to do was watch the cars drive by from my front window. We lived on a busy street, so there was constant traffic to support my habit. However, because of this, I am told that I saw two things that, may greatly explain why I am the creepy person I am today

“The first event happened right across the street. Workmen were unearthing a giant gasoline container from below the gas station on the corner. Someone, thought that the best way to cut the top off would be with a blow torch, thinking that if the tank was empty, it wouldn’t be a problem. When the remaining fumes ignited, the explosion blew the end that was being cut off into a near perfect jagged metal flying saucer. The projectile flew through the air, making contact with a nearby pedestrian (even a friend of my family), decapitating him in front of his wife.

“The second event had a little less fanfare, but not something a 1 year old should see regardless. For years, there had been a bus stop directly across the busy street, in front of two churches. One afternoon, as I sat with my mother,watching the big yellow bus drop off the elementary school kids, one of the little girls on the bus came bounding across the street on her own, undoubtedly eager to get home. The moment she stepped out from in front of the bus she was hit and killed by a driver failing to yield to the bus.

“Growing up at this house, I have seen/heard a number of horrendous car accidents, (ie a Honda Accord pancaked by an ice cream truck), domestic disputes, gunfire, and car explosions (just don’t buy a Honda Accord, trust me). but the absolute worst I just had to be too young to remember on my own. I just moved back for a couple of months, and I will keep my eyes peeled, and my head down.”

More brushes with morbidity can be read on the Asylum Eclectica’s My Brush With Morbidity page.  Do you have a dreadful tale you’d like to share?  Send it to The Comtesse.

Morbid Fact Du Jour for November 28, 2014

Today’s Frozen Yet Truly Morbid Fact!

Let’s talk some more about despicable Sigmund Rascher (12 February 1909 – 26 April 1945), a German SS doctor. His deadly experiments on humans, which were carried out in the Nazi concentration camp of Dachau, were judged inhumane and criminal during the Nuremberg Trials.

To determine the most effective means for treating German pilots who had become severely chilled from ejecting into the ocean, or German soldiers who suffered extreme exposure on the Russian front, Rascher and others conducted freezing experiments at Dachau. For up to five hours at a time, they placed victims into vats of icy water, either in aviator suits or naked; they took others outside in the freezing cold and strapped them down naked. As the victims writhed in pain, foamed at the mouth, and lost consciousness, the doctors measured changes in the patients’ heart rate, body temperature, muscle reflexes, and other factors. When a prisoner’s internal body temperature fell to 79.7°F, the doctors tried rewarming him using hot sleeping bags, scalding baths, even naked women forced to copulate with the victim. Some 80 to 100 patients perished during these experiments.

Culled from: Nova

Rascher, on the right, during one of his freezing experiments:

My Brush With Morbidity by David Baker

“I grew up in Northern Vermont in a river valley that was sparsely populated.   There is a small cemetery a mile or so from my childhood home where a lot of local folks who are unaffiliated with any specific church choose to be buried.   It was adjacent to a small stable where a local man kept an old Morgan horse.  The kids in the neighborhood,  (All 4 of us on a five mile stretch of road.),  would occasionally meet by the old grave marker at the corner of the cemetery, feed the old horse sugar cubes, and plot our days activities.

“One spring morning I arrived early to feed the horse and wait for my friends and discovered a backhoe was parked next to road near the entrance to the cemetery.   I quickly scanned the graves and found an open grave had been dug and prepped for a funeral.  This sounds highly unlikely to anybody who understands liability and the dangers of leaving a six foot hole in the ground, but this was a rural, sparsely populated area, and the fellow from the septic company who owned the backhoe would return later in time for the funeral to wrap up.   It had always been this way.

“Shortly, my friends arrived and we all became entranced by the deep hole in the ground and pondered, in the ways children can anyway, our own mortalities.   As we stood there my friends dog, Max, began sniffing too closely to the edge which gave away enough for him to fall to the bottom.  Being young and constantly disciplined for our juvenile antics, we were keen to get Max out of the hole, and on our way home without anybody knowing.   One of us ran home to get a step ladder.  Meanwhile, Max was becoming increasingly irritated at being stuck in a hole in the ground and was trying to claw his way up the sides of the grave.

“This is how the adjacent casket was knocked loose.  Max, attempting to dig his way up the side of the grave collapsed the rotted side of the casket of “loving husband” who had been in the ground nearby hidden by only a couple inches of clay.   He had been in the ground long enough to cause three young boys and a german shepherd-yellow lab mix sudden heart attacks.   I remember seeing his grey suit, a waxy yellow head shaped object with no hair, a mud covered pillow, and one arm was wearing a silver wrist watch. The upper half of him drifted on it’s back on a mess of filthy water and slurched into the dirt of the open hole.  The bottom half of his body must have been caught on something as he only fell part way into the grave.  At this point one of us grabbed the ankles of the youngest boy who grabbed Max by his collar and nearly strangled him pulling him out.  Soon we were running thru the woods toward the brook gagging at the smell that had seemed to saturate everything.

“We spent the next three days in a terror that we were going to get caught. Not that we had done anything wrong, exactly.   But nothing ever came of it other than Austin’s father wondering ‘What road kill Max had gotten into this time’. The boy who had run for the ladder was convinced we were spooking him, but the stink on the dog was proof enough and prevented him from going back.  I can only guess that the fellow with the backhoe had decided it was an accident on his part and had ‘taken care of it’ somehow before the funeral.  Nothing was ever mentioned in the local paper, sewing circles, or other rumor mills. The three of us who had seen the body only mentioned it to each other in hushed tones in the privacy of late night campfires or sleepovers. Mustering the courage to visit a few years later I noticed that the date of the grave was from the late 1960s, which was odd considering there was no concrete vault for the casket and that it smelled so foul 20 years later in the age of embalming.

“Not that I’m a forensic expert, by any stretch.”

Some kids have all the luck! – DeSpair

Death and the Maiden

Z Constantine recommends a blog entitled “Death and the Maiden” which is all about…  you guessed it!

Death and the Maiden

Morbid Fact Du Jour for November 27, 2014

Today’s Low Pressure Yet Truly Morbid Fact!

Sigmund Rascher (12 February 1909 – 26 April 1945) was a German SS doctor. His deadly experiments on humans, which were carried out in the Nazi concentration camp of Dachau, were judged inhumane and criminal during the Nuremberg Trials.In 1942, Sigmund Rascher and others conducted high-altitude experiments on prisoners at Dachau. Eager to find out how best to save German pilots forced to eject at high altitude, they placed inmates into low-pressure chambers that simulated altitudes as high as 68,000 feet and monitored their physiological response as they succumbed and died. Rascher was said to dissect victims’ brains while they were still alive to show that high-altitude sickness resulted from the formation of tiny air bubbles in the blood vessels of a certain part of the brain. Of 200 people subjected to these experiments, 80 died outright and the remainder were executed.In a typical experiment, detailed in a report by Rascher and his colleagues, a deli clerk was forced to endure an excruciating drop from 47,000 ft. without the aid of oxygen. Diligently, Rascher noted the subject’s behavior:2

  • “spasmodic convultions”
  • “gives the general impression of someone who is completely out of his mind”
  • “does not respond to speech”
  • “grimaces, bites his tongue”
  • “convulses arms and legs”
  • “yells aloud”
  • “clonic conclusions, groaning”
  • “agonal convulsive breathing”

The lurid Nuremberg testimony of Rascher’s prisoner assistant Antòn Pacholegg tells a similar story:3

“I personally saw, through the observation window of the chamber, how a prisoner inside was subjected to a vacuum until his lungs burst. Certain experiments produced such a pressure in the men’s heads that they went mad, tearing their hair out in an effort to relieve it. They lacerated their heads and faces with their nails, mutilating themselves in their frenzy.”

Culled from: Nova and Mad Scientist Blog

Here’s a photograph of Rascher.  Ain’t he sweet?  He wouldn’t even hurt a lil’ baby. Except, it turns out, that baby isn’t even his.  It was kidnapped.  What an evil scientist.

And here are some poor souls subjected to the altitude tests…

And here’s a post-mortem on one of the many victims.  After the war, the United States used Rascher’s data for the benefit of the Air Force. Isn’t it nice to know that it all went to something “useful”?

Morbid Sightseeing!

I’ve been told by someone who lives in Hays, Kansas that my Garden of Eden travelogue is a “hoot”. Perhaps you might concur?  It’s a weird place, that’s for sure…

The Garden of Eden

“My Brush With Morbidity” by Sleeper

“When I was very young I went to a school event where all the people who showed up for the activities crammed into the school’s cafeteria for some shitty pizza.  We were sitting at the cafeteria table, the typical humming of a hundred or so people talking and eating filling the air.”Sitting behind me was an older gentleman, his adult daughter, and I would assume her kids.  I didn’t notice them very well before the “event” partially because I was a very focused child.  Probably the opposite of ADHD, I was very focused on what I was doing or things I had in my hands, so to tear my attention away from something was a great feat indeed.

“The older gentleman moved my chair when he fell to the ground.  I remember looking at him as though he was rude but for the life of me I don’t remember any details of his face.  I was pulled from my chair but managed to grasp onto my bag of popcorn (how ironic) while my parents pulled my sister and I toward the wall of the cafeteria.  Hysteria reigned while his daughter, of about 40 years old, started screaming like a banshee, ‘SOMEBODY SAVE MY DAAAAADDDDYYYYYY!!!’

“Meanwhile I watched volunteer firemen perform CPR on this gentleman while calmly munching some popcorn.  Mommy and Daddy were ever so graceful enough to provide and explanation of what the firemen were doing, and while they were in shock from the experience and had to drive around for a while afterward to forget the events of ‘Fun Day’ I was excessively interested in what had happened and mulled over it.  I’m still mulling over it, years later.”

Do you have a morbid experience to share? Then send it to the Comtesse!

Past Brushes can be viewed at The Asylum Eclectica:
My Brush With Morbidity

“My Brush With Morbidity” by DL Phillips

“My Brush with Morbidity” by DL Phillips

My tale actually consists of 3 brushes with morbidity, only one in which I was directly involved. But all 3 involved people I knew – and all occurred in the same building.

Brush 1: My parents bought a pre-civil war era building to house a gift shop downstairs and our living quarters on the second floor. During renovation, we had our contractor install a central heating and air-conditioning unit. This required knocking out a section of an old interior wall. When they did, some bones were found within the wall. I can honestly tell you that they were the bones of a person, not an animal. The guy in charge asked my mom what she wanted him to do, and I guess she was thinking about the delay a police investigation would cause in getting the store open, so she said, “Get rid of it.” Once we started living upstairs, all kind of weird things happened – you could say the place was haunted. But since I’m not writing ghost stories here, onto the next Brush  with Morbidity…

Brush 2: Well, the store was, at most, a moderate success and my parents eventually gave it up and sold the building. Almost a year later, on the morning of Thanksgiving Day, some friends who lived near the place called to tell us the building was on fire. My parents rushed over there. (They were concerned that the fire was caused by the heating/AC system we’d installed. It wasn’t – it was caused by a gas explosion in the resident’s stove.) They arrived to find a woman holding a baby and leaning out one of the front upstairs windows. Smoke was pouring out behind her. Folks were trying to get her to drop the infant to them. Someone had gotten a tarp from their truck and they were holding it out to catch the baby. But the woman screamed something about needing to find her son, and left the window with the child still in her arms. No one survived. The building’s second floor was pretty much a fire trap, with only one exit – an interior staircase. They found the boy’s body (a toddler) at the head of that staircase.

Brush 3: The fire mostly damaged the interior of the second floor and the building was repaired. Another exit was added to the upstairs, leading to an external steel staircase. At this time, Leila (the youngest sister of my best friend) was dating this guy (let’s call him Dave) who was trying to find out how his kid brother died. (I’m not going into that story!) Anyway, one day Leila was with Dave and he was asking around, trying to locate this particular man for some mundane reason. (It was so mundane, I can’t remember what it was.) Well, it turns out this guy Dave’s looking for happened to be involved in his brother’s death. So he got a call warning him that Dave was coming to his place, which was – you guessed it – on the second floor of the building my parents once owned. Leila later told us that she and Dave went up the outside stairs and Dave knocked on the door. It opened, Dave’s head exploded and the next thing Leila knew, she was covered in blood and cowering in a side entryway of a church across the street. She didn’t come out until the police arrived. The man had used a shotgun on Dave’s head at point blank range… and he got away with murder.  Seems he was related to someone high up in the county sheriff’s dept. “Defending his home” was the excuse used.

Is it just me, or does it seem kind of… wrong… to just get rid of human bones you find?
My Brush With Morbidity Archives

“My Brush With Morbidity” by Narkitten

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve done an episode of “My Brush With Morbidity” – where readers share their morbid tales.  Here’s an unbearably sad story from Narkitten.

“My Brush With Morbidity” by Narkitten

Christmas time 2000: we seemed to have a flu bug that bounced from child to parent to child in my house. I had a bout earlier in the month, but my two boys and husband didn’t get their turn until the week before Christmas. I did home-delivered meals for senior shut-ins and each year tried to take a helper “elf” around this time.

My husband had been up most of the night ill, and my youngest was running a low fever. It was Friday the 21st, so I took my older boy with me to work.

Around 9:30 we stopped at a store to get snacks. I discovered that I had forgotten my wallet at home. So I made a quick trip home for my wallet and to check on my ill ones. My son’s fever had broke and my husband was tired but feeling much better. I headed back to work, sure that things were fine.

I arrived home around 2:40 that afternoon. The company had gotten our checks to us, which we weren’t expecting until Monday. I was happy that we wouldn’t have to finish our Christmas shopping on Monday. My youngest was in the boys’ room playing video games. He apologized because “Daddy had said no”. I told him to get dressed and show his brother what he wanted to on the game. I went into my room, my hubby was laying on his chest on the bed, with a fan blowing on him. I walked past the bed and opened the blinds. As soon as I turned around, I knew something was horribly wrong. He was nearing white, and not breathing.

I had the boys bring me the phone, then sent them back to their room. I called 911 and tried to turn him over. His face and chest had reddish purpling to it. I knew the blood was settling. He had been gone for a while. I explained this to emergency services when they arrived, but they still did heroic efforts. He was pronounced at the hospital. The autopsy didn’t have conclusive evidence of cause of death. He was only 37.

Thank you for sharing that sad story with us, Narkitten.

If you have a story to share, please send it to me.  My Brush With Morbidity Archives can be read here.

“My Brush With Morbidity” by Erika

It’s been awhile, but here’s a new episode of My Brush With Morbidity. If you have a morbid tale to tell, please submit it to The Comtesse DeSpair for possible inclusion on the blog/website.

“My Brush With Morbidity” by Erika

My fiance’ and I, prior to moving back in with my beloved mother, lived in a local apartment complex near wear I work in beautiful Poway, CA; the so called “City in the Country”. We had been living here for quite some time when it came to my attention that our quiet patch of heaven was not so quiet indeed. We lived in an upstairs apartment directly above an elderly woman who was caring for her mentally ill son and allowing her grandson to stay there as well. Occasionally I would run into the grandson in our public laundryroom. He was always very quiet and never said more than a word or so to me. He seemed well and “normal” as some might say, albeit a bit shy.

One evening my fiance and I were enjoying the peace of the night, a very large BANG was heard and a spot above our stone fireplace erupted in shatters of stone flecks and dust. He screamed like a little girl and we both jumped in surprise. I stood to inspect the area and determine exactly what had happened, when the old woman downstairs began screaming in absolute blood curdling terror. I ran out the door onto our balcony to see her fleeing her apartment and yelling. I can hear her words clearly ringing in my mind to this day, “HE’S DEAD! Oh my god he’s dead! He’s DEAD!!”
I watched her over the balcony as she collapsed on the grass and continued her chilling lament. Someone must have called the cops because within a minute (the station is directly behind the complex) the police arrived. Lots of tenants were now outside trying to determine what was going on, and police were telling people to go inside and that there was nothing to see. I hid behind a potted plant and continued to listen (much to my fiance’s dismay). A police man and paramedic entered her home and the police man emerged shaking his head. It took almost an hour to get the woman coherent enough to speak and most of it was continued cries of “he’s dead, and oh my god, I can’t believe it!”. Eventually she began wailing out the ordeal very loudly. “I followed him and said, ‘what are you doing in my sons room?’. He turned around with the gun in his hand and said ‘BYE BYE GRANDMA!’ and then he KILLED HIMSELF!”.

I stumbled back into the house and sat numbly on the couch, pale. I covered my ears as the woman continued to scream and wail on and on and on, and it felt like it would never end the the sound, good god, the sound! A man in plain clothes who identified himself as an officer came to our door and my fiance’ showed the the spot in our fireplace where the large bullet hat ripped through our thin cheap flooring and embedded itself. They ended up removing a large chunk of our fireplace because the bullet fragments had shattered and could not be removed easily. The whole thing lasted the whole evening, and we answered a few questions regarding our neighbors, but nothing helpful or significant. The Grandmother and her son were taken into custody, but it was later cleared as a suicide. I watched the waste disposal team take out chunks of plaster and carry out dried blood and brain splattered bedding several days later.

We stayed there for a year afterward, and we even received new tenants in the downstairs apartment after the old tenants had left. I often wondered if they knew of what had happened…. I’d watch them laughing on the porch drinking and smoking and would get the greatest urge to walk up and spill the whole thing, just to get a reaction. I never did though.

This story powerfully epitomises the unbearable anguish of the suicide survivor. Thank you for sharing it, Erika.

More Brushes with Morbidity are available to peruse at the My Brush With Morbidity room of the Asylum.

“My Brush With Morbidity” by Kim

My family (Mom, me, two younger sisters and an older brother) often spent weekends at my Aunt’s house in Raiford, Florida. The roads in Raiford and the tiny towns nearby are dark, narrow, winding, no streetlights, deserted with an almost non-existent amount of traffic. When I was seven years old late one pitch black night we were driving back from a high school basketball game. As we rounded a bend we suddenly stopped as we came upon a horrible and deadly car wreck. A white male in his early 20s was in the middle of the road screaming, begging, ‘Please! Somebody tell me what happened! What happened?’ A huge unscathed dark car with an older black couple was parked on the opposite side of the road pointed in the right direction, faces contorted with shock and horror. Off the road to the right of us sat a white Corvair in freshly churned dirt. The front was crushed into the dashboard. The roof was partially caved in and the only glass left was a small piece of the rear windshield. That’s where I noticed the contorted and mangled body. It was smashed between what was left of the front seats and what little was left of the back windshield. I watched it for what seemed like a long time. It did not move. It was covered in so much blood that it was almost hard to tell that it was a white male. I stood mesmerized and captivated by its sight. I could not make myself look away. That is when I walked over and lightly stroked its skin oblivious to the blood on it. It was like it beckoned to me to come over to it, to touch it and stroke it; like I was giving it the last bit of gentleness and comfort that it would ever have. I wasn’t scared at all. It was something that I had to do. Like it wanted me to touch it and it felt so natural to do so.

Okay, I don’t know about you guys, but I really don’t think my Mom would have let me touch a mangled body when I was 7.