Morbid Fact Du Jour For September 22, 2011

Okay, this isn’t really very morbid, but I found it amusing so I thought I’d share it as…

Today’s Scalding Yet Truly Morbid Fact!

As the number of tourists in Yellowstone Park increased, so did the chances of visitor injury. At least two thermal injuries are known for 1883. One of the injured was U.S. Senator Roscoe Conkling of New York who visited Mammoth Hot Springs that summer. A lover of hot baths, Conkling asked park resident G.L. Henderson for the use of his bathhouse near Capitol Hill. Unfortunately, Conkling did not know that cold water had to be added, and believing all to be in readiness, stepped into the tub. He immediately sprang out, crying, “Great God, I am scalded!” Henderson rushed to his assistance, dumping a bucket of snow into the bath, and order Conkling back into it. After some time, Conkling was much better.

Culled from: Death In Yellowstone

Okay, who believes that the great Senator actually said, “Great God, I am scalded!” instead of a huge shopping list of obscenities?

One comment

  1. He probably prefaced whateverHe probably prefaced whatever he said with a wordless bellow.
    Wouldn’t you think that GL would have told him right at the outset “You have to pour some cold water in first or you’ll be burned?” Did he really expect somebody named Roscoe to know that instinctively?

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