I’ve added a new entry to my Grim Chicago blog – wherein I wander the city looking for forgotten tragedies. This time it’s the location of a tragic explosion back in 1937 in Rogers Park.
A Cornucopia of Morbid Esoterica Collected By The Comtesse DeSpair.
I’ve added a new entry to my Grim Chicago blog – wherein I wander the city looking for forgotten tragedies. This time it’s the location of a tragic explosion back in 1937 in Rogers Park.
Yikes! Old Mrs. Herbert was surprisingly reckless about open flames and oil tanks.
Yes, she was. They can’t say they didn’t warn her!
It amazes me how careless so many people still are about fire. I can’t count the times I’ve heard on the news about people getting into trouble because they used gasoline to start a trash fire, or fell asleep with candles lit.