Morbid Fact Du Jour For July 19, 2012

Okay, it’s not really that morbid, but I am amused by…

Today’s Interesting (Don’t You Think?) Yet Not Really That Morbid Fact!

At 12:45 a.m. on April 15th, 1912, the first lifeboats began to be dropped from the doomed Titanic into the freezing water below. Lifeboat number 5 was the second to be lowered and although some 41 survivors were on board, it was not nearly filled to its capacity of 65. One of the women passengers suffered two broken ribs when Dr. H. Frauenthal and his brother, observing that the boat which already contained his wife also had many empty berths, leapt into it as it was being lowered and landed heavily on the unfortunate Mrs. Annie Stengel. Despite this unfortunate incident, all happily survived to tell the tale.

Culled from: Titanic

So tell me – were Dr. Frauenthal and his brother “cowards” for leaping into the boat, or clever codgers?

One comment

  1. They’d be cowards if they prevented others from getting in the lifeboat or threw somebody else out of it. As it was, seeing as how the boat was being launched with plenty of empty seats, they’re guilty of nothing other than maybe clumsiness.

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